Testing Room Experience

This page outlines the student journey on test day, walking testing staff through what’s in Test Day Toolkit and what students see on their screen in Bluebook™.

1. Arrival
  • Proctors sign in to Test Day Toolkit and write the 5-letter room code and instructions on the board.
  • Students sit in their assigned seats. They sign in to Bluebook on their devices and confirm any accommodations they’ll be testing with, read a few reminders, type a security pledge, and follow instructions for clearing their desks.
Test Day Toolkit
Image shows Test Day Toolkit page with instructions to tell students to start Bluebook check in and to not to project your screen or share the room code before test day. Includes student instructions and sample room code. At the bottom of the screenshot, there's a button labeled 'Next Step.'
Image shows welcome page after logging in to Bluebook. Preferred name appears in top right. Under the header 'Your Tests,' information about the test is shown, and the student’s accommodations are listed. There’s a button labeled 'Check In Now.'
2. Attendance
  • Proctors go to the Attendance page in Test Day Toolkit.
  • Students enter the room code and complete check-in.
  • Students see Bluebook instructions to clear their desks and write their full name on their sheet of scratch paper.
  • Proctors mark students present when their name is listed under Entered Room Code.
Image shows Bluebook room code screen, with sample room code filled in. At the bottom of the screenshot, there's a button labeled 'Next.'
Test Day Toolkit
Image shows Test Day Toolkit page with 'Take Attendance' at the top. There are 3 numbered sections, 'Ask students to check in,' then 'Mark students present,' then 'Check student progress.' Then, the image shows three more sections, one labeled 'Assigned,' with two student names listed underneath, the next labeled 'Entered Room Code,' with one student name listed underneath, and the last one labeled 'Ready to Test,' with zero student names listed underneath. At the bottom of the screenshot there is a button labeled 'Next Step.'
3. The Script
  • When students finish with check-in, they reach the Enter Start Code screen and wait to hear the script.
  • Proctors see the students' names in the Ready to Test list on the Attendance screen.
  • Proctors read the script.
Image of Start Code screen in Bluebook with six fillable boxes. There's a button labeled 'Start Test' after the start code.
Test Day Toolkit
Image of the welcome script in Test Day Toolkit that testing staff will read to test takers. At the bottom of the screenshot, there's a button labeled 'Next Step.'
4. Starting the Test
  • At the end of the script, proctors read the 6-digit start code aloud and write it on the board.
  • Students then enter start code, which starts their test timer.
Test Day Toolkit
Image of the Start the Test screen in Test Day Toolkit with sample start code for the exam. At the bottom of the screenshot, there's a button labeled 'Next Step.'
Image of the Start Code screen in Bluebook with six boxes filled in. There's a button labeled 'Start Test' after the start code.
5. Taking the Test
  • Students begin testing.
  • After they read the start code, proctors click Next Step to go to the monitoring dashboard and use the filters to see which students are in each part of the test.
  • Proctors walk around the room every 10–15 minutes to watch for raised hands, students who aren't actively testing, devices displaying nontest content, and suspicious behavior.
Image of the directions for the Reading and Writing section in Bluebook. At the bottom of the screenshot, there's a button labeled 'Continue.'
Test Day Toolkit
Image of the monitoring dashboard in Test Day Toolkit, showing one student listed as being on break.
6. The Break
  • Students see break instructions in Bluebook when their break time begins. (Students can’t start or end a scheduled break early.)
  • Students will click a button to start testing when their break time ends; no proctor action or instruction is needed.
Image of the break screen students see in Bluebook, showing break instructions and how much time is left in the break.
7. Finishing the Test
  • Students finish the test. If a student is connected to the internet when their time is up, their answers are submitted automatically, and they see the Congratulations screen with confetti.
  • Proctors start dismissal when time runs out for all students (unless some are too far behind) and collect scratch paper.
  • They use the filters on the monitoring dashboard to verify each student's answers were submitted.
  • If answers weren't submitted, proctors follow the troubleshooting instructions in the Proctor Manual.
Image of a screen in Bluebook with text that says 'Congratulations! Your test is complete, and your answers have been submitted' and a button labeled 'Return to Homepage.'
Test Day Toolkit
Image of the monitoring dashboard in Test Day Toolkit at the end of the test. The sample dashboard lists three students, showing one student is on break, one student is in section 2, and one student has submitted their answers.