Test Dates and Deadlines

The Spring 2025 testing window for all assessments in the SAT Suite is March 3–April 30.

Districts and schools will be able to administer all three assessments on as many days of the testing window as needed. If your state requires you to administer SAT School Day, PSAT 10 or PSAT 8/9, your state may determine your testing schedule.

In the timetable below, you can cross-reference important deadlines for various testing staff tasks based on your school's intended testing week.

Intended Testing Week SSD Requests in SSD Online

(7 weeks before test day)
Submit Orders in SSOR

(5 weeks before test day)
Submit Initial Registration Data File in SSOR

(4–3 weeks before test day)
Validate Data and Register Students in SSOR

(3–2 weeks before test day)
Readiness Check in Bluebook

(2–1 weeks before test day)
March 3-7 January 13 January 27 February 3-10 February 10-18 February 18-24
March 10-14 January 21 February 3 February 10-18 February 18-24 February 24-March 3
March 17-21 January 27 February 10 February 18-24 February 24-March 3 March 3-10
March 24-28 February 3 February 18 February 24–March 3 March 3-10 March 10-17
March 31-April 4 February 10 February 24 March 3-10 March 10-17 March 17-24
April 7-11 February 18 March 3 March 10-14 March 17-24 March 24-31
April 14-18 February 24 March 10 March 17-24 March 24-31 March 31-April 7
April 21-25 March 3 March 17 March 24-31 March 31-April 7 April 7-14
April 28-April 30 March 10 March 24 March 31-April 7 April 7-14 April 14-21

School Test Coordinators: You can use the Digital In-School Testing Checklist to track your major milestones for testing readiness.

District Test Coordinators: You can use the Checklist for District Test Coordinators to track your major milestones for testing readiness.

See Assessments Reporting for K–12 Educators for the score release schedule.

For Fall 2025, the testing window will be Oct. 1-31. Ordering and registration deadlines will be available in the spring.