SSD Coordinator

The SSD coordinator is responsible for supporting students who will be testing with accommodations. Follow the Digital In-School Testing Checklist steps to learn your specific tasks and timelines. You'll also use your SSD Coordinator Resources to prepare for testing.

SAT Suite Registration Role

After a student registration data file is submitted in SSOR, data can only be updated by the SAT Suite registration role(s). This should be the test coordinator at the school and the SSD coordinator. The data coordinator should notify the staff assigned the registration role when data is submitted so they can validate and register students.

School staff with this role can view, validate, and update the data submitted to the SSOR registration roster. Schools are responsible for validating and making updates to data submitted by the district or their school. Schools should assign this role to test coordinators and/or SSD coordinators responsible for validating and registering students to test.

If your district has strict rules on management of registration data, district-level staff may be assigned to the SAT Suite registration role for each school to manage changes.

Important: This role needs to be someone who knows the students and can validate that their data, including any accommodations, is accurate. More than one person can be assigned to this role.

SSD Coordinator Resources

Register and Validate:

Prepare Students:

Prepare for Test Day:

  • College Board Accommodations and Supports Handbook
    This handbook will help SSD coordinators prepare to submit accommodations requests and provide guidance on available accommodations and supports for College Board testing.
  • College Board Required Training
    Self-paced online training modules to help you prepare for test day.
  • SAT Suite Accommodations Guide
    Learn about the different accommodations available for the digital SAT Suite and how to administer them to students.
  • PSAT 8/9 Paper Testing Guide
    This guide provides instructions for administering the PSAT 8/9 to students who require a paper version of the test. Testing staff should use this guide as a supplement to other staff materials for the administration.
  • PSAT 10 Paper Testing Guide
    This guide provides instructions for administering the PSAT 10 to students who require a paper version of the test. Testing staff should use this guide as a supplement to other staff materials for the administration.
  • SAT School Day Paper Testing Guide
    This guide provides instructions for administering the SAT School Day to students who require a paper version of the test. Testing staff should use this guide as a supplement to other staff materials for the administration.
  • SAT Suite: Printed Copies of Verbal Instructions
    Print and distribute to students approved for a printed copy of the proctor's spoken directions on test day.
  • PSAT 8/9 Testing Staff Agreement
    These are the terms and conditions you agree to when you use Test Day Toolkit. Review and be prepared to agree to them in the application.
  • SAT School Day Testing Staff Agreement
    These are the terms and conditions you agree to when you use Test Day Toolkit. Review and be prepared to agree to them in the application.