Digital In-School Testing Checklist

The Test Coordinator Manual contains all the information you’ll need to prepare yourself and your staff for testing. Download and reference the manual leading up to and on test day. The Proctor Manual is also an available resource.

This checklist includes all of the approaching milestones as you begin planning for test day, along with a recommended timeline for staff to complete their assigned activities. Please note that if your school is testing on multiple days, all steps should be completed by the first day of testing.

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Note: If you plan to request any testing accommodations for your students, you can submit those requests through SSD Online at any time before the accommodations deadline—whether or not your school has selected an intended start date for testing. We recommend submitting those requests as early as possible so your students will be ready to test. Starting this year, students must have College Board approval to test with accommodations for all assessments in the SAT Suite, including PSAT-related assessments, and students may have significant testing delays or may not be able to test at all if this deadline is missed. Once your school's start date has been selected, any approved accommodations will apply.

The tasks on this checklist are itemized by role. Reminder: The Test Coordinator Manual contains all of the information in one place for preparing for a successful test day.

Milestone Action Items
Request Accommodations SSD Coordinator
Milestone Action Items
Complete your order
  • Select your intended start date in SSOR, select grades of students testing, and order test quantities.
  • Identify your staff and make sure all staff contact information, including your own, is up to date in SSOR.
SAT Suite Ordering and Registration Access Manager
  • Enable access to SSOR for the purchaser, data coordinator, test coordinator, and SSD coordinator by assigning them SSOR roles. Visit Accessing SSOR and our Help Center for more information on assigning roles.
  • Confirm your order details in SSOR. You must be listed in the SAT Suite Ordering role to complete this task. If you do not have access, contact your SAT Suite Ordering and Registration access manager. IMPORTANT: Place your initial order at least 5 weeks ahead of when you intend to start testing. Orders may be updated as needed until registration activities begin.
Data Coordinator
  • View the file upload data specifications and download the SSOR registration file template. You must be assigned to the SAT Suite data coordinator role to access SSOR. If you don't have access, contact your SAT Suite Ordering and Registration access manager.
  • Work with the test coordinator to pull all of the students in each grade level testing.
Test Coordinator
  • Read your Test Coordinator Manual.
  • Schedule your Digital Readiness Check for 1–2 weeks before test day to help students familiarize themselves with Bluebook™ and to check the readiness of testing devices for test day.
  • Identify your testing rooms.
  • Recruit test day staff.
  • Work with your technology coordinator to create a technical readiness plan. Learn what to ask them about networks and devices, and choose testing rooms with good internet connectivity.
Technology Coordinator
  • Go to for technical specifications and Bluebook installation instructions.
  • Check internet speed in each testing room.
  • Work with your test coordinator to decide which devices students should test on.
SSD Coordinator
  • Confirm that all accommodations are accurate in SSD Online.
  • If your school decides to host a full-length practice session during the digital readiness check, order paper practice materials for any students approved for them. IMPORTANT: If a student has approved accommodations to test with paper materials, please note that shipments will be processed upon completed registration. Work with your test coordinator to plan appropriate test dates.
Milestone Action Item
Upload Student Registration Data
IMPORTANT: Plan to upload data when the enrollment data has settled for the majority of testers. Schools or districts with a high degree of student mobility may want to wait until after the first few days of school to upload.
Data Coordinator
  • Submit initial registration file in SSOR. Your district may also submit this file on behalf of your school. Once you've completed the submission, email your test coordinator and SSD coordinator letting them know it's ready for validation.
Test Coordinator
  • Download and share the Student Guide with your students so they can start preparing for test day. These are located under the Roles and Their Resources pages.
  • Complete the Test Coordinator Planning section of the required training.
Milestone Action Items
Validate Uploaded Data and Register Students
The school's test coordinator should confirm all students who intend to test have accurate records in the registration roster, and the SSD coordinator should confirm student records match their College Board accommodations. Be sure to include all "away" students who do not typically attend the school but requested to test there. IMPORTANT: Carefully check the accuracy of student data prior to registration. After registration, student records will be locked for testing. Any changes will need to be managed by deleting the record and re-adding the corrected record manually.
Test Coordinator
  • If you have not completed the task assigned to you in the previous 4 Weeks Before section, please complete it now.
  • Validate your roster for each event in SSOR and register students.
  • Use the email we'll send you to access Test Day Toolkit and create testing rooms.
  • Follow the instructions to Set Up Test Day Toolkit for PSAT-Related Assessments.
  • Work with the technology coordinator to prepare for the digital readiness check. IMPORTANT: Students who appear on your roster in SSOR still need to be registered for the test. To do so, click Register Students from your registration roster in SSOR and follow the instructions. You can register one student at a time or multiple students at once by clicking the checkboxes next to their names.
Data Coordinator
  • If you have not completed the registration task assigned to you refer to the same note under Test Coordinator, you must complete it now.
SSD Coordinator
  • Validate the registration data in SSOR for SSD students.
  • Confirm the accommodations in SSD Online match the accommodations in SSOR.
  • NOTE: Some accommodations displayed in SSOR or Test Day Toolkit are not listed in SSD Online, but they are necessary to match the student's test experience with their approved accommodations. See the Accommodations Guide for more details.
Technology Coordinator
  • Install Bluebook on school-managed devices.
  • Ensure shared devices will be available for the digital readiness check.
  • Follow the instructions on Network Specifications to configure your network.
  • IMPORTANT: Students won't be able to take the test if your network doesn't meet these configuration requirements.
All Staff
  • Begin required training and reading the staff manuals and guides posted on each role page under Roles and Their Resources.
Milestone Action Items
Digital Readiness Check
Orient students for digital testing and check for any technology issues.
Test Coordinator
  • If you have not completed the registration and setup tasks assigned to you in the previous 3 Weeks Before section, please complete those now.
  • Test your network readiness to make sure all students and staff are able to join on test day. Work with your technology coordinator and IT staff to troubleshoot any last-minute network setup issues.
  • If you need to add or delete any individual students from your registration roster, do so in SSOR. Updates may take up to 2 business days to appear in Test Day Toolkit. Sign-in tickets should not be printed until the updates appear.
  • NOTE: If you need to delete and re-add a student for any reason, please be aware that deleting a student will undo any readiness steps they have already completed. The student may need to go through the exam setup process and answer the student information questions again before testing starts.
  • Check Test Day Toolkit to identify any multi-day testers at your school and follow instructions to set up separate rooms in Test Day Toolkit for each day of the exam for these students. Students testing over multiple days will appear in your roster twice.
  • Print sign-in test tickets from Test Day Toolkit.
  • Prepare staff and students for the digital readiness check.
  • Follow the Digital Readiness Check instructions in your Test Coordinator Manual. Be sure that your proctors have read the Proctor Manual which also includes specific digital readiness check steps. IMPORTANT: Remember to register any new students in SSOR once they have been added to your registration roster.
SSD Coordinator
  • If you have not completed the registration and accommodations tasks assigned to you in the previous 3 Weeks Before section, please complete those now.
  • Review pending accommodations requests in SSD Online.
  • Ensure students with accommodations are prepared for digital readiness check.
  • Work with the technology coordinator to confirm assistive technology is configured for Bluebook for approved students.
Technology Coordinator
  • If you have not completed the device management tasks assigned to you in the previous 3 Weeks Before section, please complete them now.
  • Work with the SSD coordinator to confirm assistive technology is configured for Bluebook for approved students.
All Staff
  • Complete the required training and read the staff manuals and guides posted on each role page under Roles and Their Resources.
  • Conduct digital readiness check.
Milestone Action Items
Test readiness
Fix any issues found in digital readiness check as you prepare for test day.
Test Coordinator
  • If you have not completed the readiness tasks assigned to you in the previous 2 Weeks Before section, please complete them now.
  • Confirm that you have appropriately set up rooms for all of the students testing at your school, including any multi-day testers. See 2 Weeks Before above for more information.
  • Set up testing room supplies.
  • Begin reprinting sign-in tickets from Test Day Toolkit as necessary.
  • If applicable, receive and securely store paper test materials.
  • Ensure all staff have completed training.
Technology Coordinator
  • Make sure all testing devices have the latest version of Bluebook. Check
  • Tell students using personal or assigned devices to open Bluebook before test day so it can auto-update and bring it to school fully charged on test day. Students using personal devices can download Bluebook at
  • Confirm plans to deliver fully charged shared devices to testing rooms.
SSD Coordinator
  • If you have not completed the readiness tasks assigned to you in the previous 2 Weeks Before section, please complete them now.
Milestone Action Items
Final preparation Test Coordinator
  • Confirm you have a sign-in ticket printed for all students (reprint from Test Day Toolkit if necessary).
  • Make any final announcements.
  • Assemble test kits containing Wi-Fi information, sign-in tickets, scratch paper, extension cords, sticky notes, and bags for prohibited devices.
  • If applicable, connect to Wi-Fi on a personal device in a testing room to make sure the network is set up for guest access.
Technology Coordinator
  • Ensure local networks are configured to specifications. IMPORTANT: Students won't be able to take the test if your network doesn't meet these configuration requirements.
  • Verify your network is configured to allow necessary traffic.
Milestone Action Items
Administer the test Test Coordinator
  • Grant full Test Day Toolkit Access to your staff.
  • Follow all steps in the Test Coordinator Manual.
  • Confirm every student's answers are submitted to College Board. Go to In-School Testing and Answer Submission for guidance. If you need to request a retest, you can do so once testing has concluded.
  • Review and submit any irregularity reports immediately after testing.
Technology Monitor Proctors and Hall/Room Monitors
  • Follow the steps in the Proctor Manual.
  • Confirm all student answers are submitted before dismissing them.
Hall/Room Monitors
Milestone Action Items
Score release and invoicing Purchaser
  • View information about payment on the Invoicing page.
District/School Coordinator Counselors All Staff
  • Notify students that scores are available. Please note that students who did not opt in to BigFuture® School will not be alerted by College Board once scores are available. You can notify students in one of the following ways:
    • Download score PDFs in the online K–12 Reporting Portal and share with students.
    • Remind students who have access to BigFuture School (U.S. students only) by providing their mobile number on test day to access their scores on the mobile app.
    • As always, students with a personal College Board account can also view their scores online.