Validate Uploaded Data and Register Students

Steps to Complete Validation

Schools should reserve one week to complete these final two steps to complete student registration. After schools and districts upload data files with test taker information to the SAT Suite Ordering and Registration (SSOR) site, schools follow these two steps to validate the data uploaded is accurate and register students securely before test day.

Test Coordinator and SSD Coordinator

These are the SAT Suite Registration Role(s). See Accessing SSOR for more details.

  1. Review Data
    • Test Coordinator reviews the uploaded registration data to verify that it's accurate, corrects any records with errors, manually adds any missing students, and deletes any students who are no longer testing.
    • SSD Coordinator reviews student data to ensure accommodations are accurate and adds accommodations as needed.
  2. Register Students
    • Test Coordinator selects students and clicks Register Students in SSOR to register each student for the test.
    • Once registered, student data is sent to Test Day Toolkit within 1 full business day.

Additional Details

For additional support, download our Digital Registration Guide for Districts and Schools.

Students must be registered in SSOR for digital testing before their testing start date. SAT Suite registration is available in SSOR for fall 2024 testing in early September.

To access SSOR for registration, you must be assigned the appropriate role(s) by your organization's SSOR access manager. More information on this process can be found in the following Help Centers, under the Accessing section.